For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

Why Does a Practice Fail?

That’s an interesting question. Many don’t appreciate that a private medical practice can fail. And some do. A private medical practice can fail for the same reason that ultimately any business fails. It runs out of cash. Whilst obviously there may be a...

Do it once. Do it right.

I’m a really, really impatient person. I like everything done yesterday. Which is why I go incredibly slowly to start with. Do it once and do it right When I begin to raise invoices for a consultant surgeon, for example, I’ll check I have the right...

The Cause Of The Problem

A group of surgeons I know is having problems getting paid by insurance companies. Not just an individual insurance company but all insurance companies. More specifically or so the surgeon’s practice manager claimed, there were many invoices unpaid by insurance...

How to Uplift A Fee

I’ve been asked to re-publish the following. The first thing to realise about increasing a fee is that you CANNOT increase a fee for all your surgical episodes. Circumstances Having said that it is possible on occasion to request an uplift in fee. The question...

Remote Consultations.

With Covid-19 being around the world, all the major insurance companies continue to allow a charge to be raised in respect of remote consultations. That hasn’t always been the case. In the pre-Covid days, some insurance companies would not allow you to charge...