For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

I’m not accepting that fee.

That perhaps is one of the statements, I hear from private surgeons more frequently than others. The following example, however, illustrates that despite the rejection of the fee, examination of how the fee was established confirms there is little the consultant can...

How to back date a preauthorisation

  A pre-authorisation can be backdated. In by far the majority of cases, your patient will obtain authorisation for a consultation in advance of the actual date. But sometimes, the patient arrives for the consultation without a pre-authorisation. First question:...

Fee Reductions

Two different MHM clients – both consultant surgeons – have been advised by a specific insurance company that the fees for their initial and follow up consultations are being reduced. They are not amused to say the least. But what can they do about...