For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

Cheaper is not always best

  Working for a consultant surgeon is fun. However, since one particular private medical insurance company decided to outsource their help desk or their “advisors” late last year, there has been a marked reduction in their level of customer service...

Reduced fees – the reality

    Two different MHM clients – both consultant surgeons – have been advised by a specific insurance company that the fees for their initial and follow up consultations are being reduced. They are not amused, to say the least. But what can they...

Times change. So do fee schedules

It is depressing the number of times I hear potential clients rubbishing insurance companies. In my experience the reasons normally cited are incorrect. Far from it. I’ve lost track how often I’ve been told an insurance company won’t pay for...