For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

Self funders – why they don’t pay

Most MHM clients have reported issues with self-funders when we get involved. It is also the source of many calls made to MHM. With the self-funding market increasing, it is important to understand the reasons self-funders can be a problem. But what, based on...

Are you making it hard to get paid?

  If you get the basics right many problems with getting paid aren’t allowed to happen.  As a result, accidents aren’t allowed to happen. The basics are as follows: Patient’s full name Their full address including their postcode The Patient’s date of...

Invoice right first time

I’m a really, really impatient person. I like everything done yesterday. Which is why I go incredibly slowly to start with. Do it once and do it right When I begin to raise invoices for a consultant surgeon, for example, I’ll check I have the right...

Medical Professional Or Entrepreneur

At a conference recently a friend of mine was discussing the future of the private practice industry and what lay ahead. My colleague shared the view that the “younger” newly appointed consultant is more adaptable to the direction of change in the private...

The Art of Excess and Shortfalls

One of the major areas MHM is approached about is excess and shortfalls. In October 2019, empirical evidence indicated 26% of all claims to private medical insurance companies are subject to an excess/shortfall. This is not to imply the insurance companies are to...