For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

Why Does a Practice Fail?

That’s an interesting question. Many don’t appreciate that a private medical practice can fail. And some do. A private medical practice can fail for the same reason that ultimately any business fails. It runs out of cash. Whilst obviously there may be a...

Remote Consultations.

With Covid-19 being around the world, all the major insurance companies continue to allow a charge to be raised in respect of remote consultations. That hasn’t always been the case. In the pre-Covid days, some insurance companies would not allow you to charge...

Do it once and do it right.

I’m a really, really impatient person. I like everything done yesterday. Which is why I go incredibly slowly to start with. Do it once and do it right When I begin to raise invoices for a consultant surgeon, for example, I’ll check I have the right...

Excess and deductions: 2020 style

Taking ONE real-life client as an example. Week ending Friday, July 24th: out of 15 consultations, 4 (four) came back with excess deductions £575. So for a total of £2,500 worth of revenue from outpatient consultations £575 or 23% came back short. Looking back to the...

Too late now. You agreed it

In terms of medical billing, this perhaps is one of the statements I say to private consultant surgeons more frequently than others. The following example illustrates that despite the rejection of the fee how the fee was established confirms there is little the...