For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

Entrepreneur or Surgeon? Or Both?

At a on-line medical conference recently a friend of mine was discussing the future of the private practice industry and what lay ahead. My colleague shared the view that the “younger” newly appointed consultant is more adaptable to the direction of change...

Do it once and do it right

  When I begin to raise invoices for a new MHM client, for example, I’ll check I have the right provider number. I’ll check all the online systems and EDI protocol are 100% accurate. Is the consultant’s address correct?. I’ll check the...

The Reality of a No-Show Patient

This is a topic that comes up frequently when I meet Private Consultant Surgeons. Indeed, the point was touched upon last year in a blog regarding asking self-funding patients to pay in advance. Self-funding patients represent the major risk of non-payment for the...