For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

CASH FLOW BLUES – the taxman commeth

I like the blues. I like Robert Johnson for example. And I like cash (including Johnny) What I don’t like is the expression “cash flow” For the simple reason, cash does not flow. Cash has to be managed. Cash Flow Around this time of year, I take calls from consultant...

Why are you spending that money??

At a recent presentation, I was asked about the costs and use of accounting software. Bearing in mind the presentation was to consultants who had not yet established a private practice, numerous eyebrows were raised when I answered… You may not need it yet. This...

Less haste and more speed

I’m a really, really impatient person. I like everything done yesterday. Which is why I go incredibly slowly to start with. Do it once and do it right When I begin to raise invoices for a consultant surgeon, for example, I’ll check I have the right...