For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

If you get the basics right many problems with getting paid aren’t allowed to happen. As a result, accidents aren’t allowed to happen.

The basics are as follows:

Patient’s full name

Their full address including their postcode

The Patient’s date of birth

Policy number of insurance company.

A pre-authorisation number issued by the insurance company

Correct CCSD code

But it doesn’t stop there.


Your invoice must also always have on it:

Your name and address

Your provider number

A unique invoice number

Invoice Date

Date of the treatment/consultation

CCSD code


14 points.

But if you don’t get all 14 on your invoices you make it harder for the insurance company to pay you.

Where do you get the above data from?

If you are practicing from a private hospital almost certainly the above will be recorded on the hospital’s registration form.

If you are invoicing electronically, its pretty much standard that you MUST have the above data immediately to hand anyway.

The same is also true if you are dealing with a self-funding patient or you endure having to collect a shortfall/excess amount from a patient.

In other words, the chances are you are going to need all 14 pieces of data. Therefore it makes more sense to get them right the first time.

But the proof of the pudding is very much in the eating. Have a guess at what are the TWO major reasons an insurance company does NOT pay your invoice?

1. you haven’t sent one (crazy but true)

2. you haven’t included the right information.