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01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

The silly season

August is the silly season with people on holiday at various times throughout the month, as we all know. Returning in September it’s catch up time!

Assume your practice secretary is on leave for the last two weeks of August, therefore, all clinic lists have to be invoiced for the last two weeks of that month and thus a particular patient’s follow up appointment invoiced.

Standard practice in such a case is to check if the initial consultation has been paid.


In this example, the initial consultation had not even been invoiced as the clinic list for that day hadn’t been supplied and audited against the invoice register!  If it had it would have been discovered that none of the consultations for the day had been invoiced.

And the total clinic was worth £1,450.

Thus whilst shortfalls/excess/non-payment may cost the consultant money, not raising an invoice is 100% guaranteed to lead to non-payment.

Remember to check the clinic list!!