For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ


Every single consultant I’ve ever met is dedicated to patient care and the best possible outcome for his or her patient.

But sadly that has little to do with the outcome of the practice as a business.

They may think it does.

But it doesn’t.

Patient Reviews

Patients reviews are ALWAYS good and they reflect the clinical outcome.

Potential patients do actually read them and take the decision to see a consultant based, in some part, on good patient reviews.

But other than that, there are numerous other items impacting the business outcome.


Planning has a HUGE impact on the outcome.

Specifically, if you don’t have a plan you won’t be able to know if you have achieved the desired outcome anyway.

But what needs to go into the plan?

The Outcome


Sounds crazy but the aim of the plan should be to achieve the outcome, yet you can’t reach the outcome until:

a) you define what the outcome should be

b) you define the plan to achieve the outcome.

Just talking about it won’t be enough. It never is.

Smart Cookies

Unfortunately, far too many consultants start a private practice without deciding what their desired outcome is. Instead, they make reference to “making more money” or “seeing more patients”

But the smarter ones start by saying I want to make, for example, £5,000 a month (outcome) so I need to see at least 20 patients during that month.

It matters little if it’s £5,000 or £25,000.

What matters is they have a defined outcome with a plan to get there.

Then they start giving immediate thought and planning on how to see 20 patients a month.

None of which has anything to with clinical outcome!