For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

It’s amazing the number of times I see this.

So the best way to guarantee you won’t get paid is?

Not to raise an invoice.

Let me give you an example..

An MHM client held one of his twice-weekly outpatient clinics recently. Nine patients; so there should be NINE invoices.

Except there are only EIGHT?

A quick look at the list indicates one of the patients is designated as inclusive care; no invoice required. But hang on a second, an invoice was raised for a surgical episode recently for this very patient and sent to an insurance company for payment.

Indeed it’s been passed for the payment already.

How can the follow up be deemed inclusive care if the surgical episode was chargeable to an insurance company? Generally speaking, it can’t.

Simple explanation. The patient had been incorrectly designated as inclusive care for this clinic. Once the error is corrected, there are NINE invoices. Happy days. After all its only one episode

Reality check…

Make that mistake only once a week for a single month and you potentially lose over £500.

And that is why MHM checks the clinic list is right each time and every time.