For all your private medical practice needs

01902 280 442

Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ

Every time I give a presentation to consultants wishing to start a private practice it’s pretty much guaranteed, I’ll get asked about having a website. In particular, I’ll be asked – do I need one?

Do you?

Short answer: YES!!

Ah! – Comes the response from a fellow presenter with a very well established practice – I don’t have one. I don’t need one. That may be so because he is well established. But for someone just starting out being on the private hospital’s website, just being on the PMI website or on a directory of consultants is not enough. Neither is, although still a big source of referrals, having patients referred only by a GP.

Patients are much, much more switched on these days. They will trawl the Internet looking for whom they consider being a suitable surgeon with whom to book a consultation. They may still ask their GP for an opinion. And then be concerned if the GP recommends another surgeon because the surgeon is a friend of the GP. What does the GP do if he doesn’t know a suitable surgeon? Yep – he goes to the Internet too.

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The bad news is that it is not just a case of building a website. I call it the “build it and they will come” principle. Websites need to be maintained and refreshed – at least every six months. Then there is the question of social media.

MHM don’t build websites nor do we manage social media for its clients. It’s far too complicated. We just pass on the requirement to one of our partner organisations. Based on the analysis of MHM clients with a website and those without, it is pretty clear those with a website see more patients.

You sure you can’t be bothered with all this Internet stuff?? How many of you still rely on GP referrals only?